
UForm rendering is flexible. It was designed to allow maximum customization. The render process uses twig.

Built-in engines

Implement your own rendering

You can implement your own rendering in order to add new components or to customize the rendering or to implement a new client framework. This can be achieved by either starting from scratch or extending an existing engine.

When should I write it from scratch? - You should write it from scratch if you write for a specific framework

When should I extend an engine? - You should extend an engine if an engine already fits most of your needing, but you need new inputs, new structure or to customize existing elements.

Extend an existing render engine

When extending an existing render engine you take all existing templates from this engine and you can override some of them with yours or add custom templates from a given template directory.

This is achieved by extending a class that already extends the AbstractHtmlRender and modifying the output of a method:

class MyEngine extends BaseEngineToExtend {

    public function getTemplatesPaths()
        return [__DIR__ . '/path/to/my/engine/directory'] 
            + parent::getTemplatesPaths();

    public function getRenderName()
        return "NameOfMyEngine";

In this example the directory __DIR__ . '/path/to/my/engine/directory' will contain the template of you render engine.

Base rendering class

A render engine must extend the class UForm\Render\AbstractHtmlRender

Rendering templates

Templates are written with twig. The name of the templates matches the semantic types of the element. If a semantic type does not have a template, the next semantic type is checked, until one matches. If any of the semantic type has a matching template then an exception is thrown.

Template variables

  • current: the instance of the current RenderContext instance
  • current.element: the instance of the element you are rendering
  • current.children: an array with the instances of the children of the current element
  • current.messages: an array with the error messages for the current element
  • render: the instance of the render engine

Template functions

  • renderElement(element): process to the render of the given element
  • renderParentType(): continue the rendering of the current element with the next semantic types e.g if you call this during the rendering of a form it will process to the rendering of the form as a group
  • defaultRenderFor(): process to the default rendering of an element implementing UForm\Element\Drawable
  • isValid(): check if the current element is valid
  • isValid(element): check if the given element is valid
  • childrenAreValid(): check if the children of the current element are valid
  • childrenAreValid(element): check if the children of the given element are valid

Element Semantic types

Each element has one or more semantic types. Semantic types help to render the element.

For instance an input text has the following semantic types:

  • input:text
  • input:textfield (common to input text, password, url, email...)
  • input (common to all input elements)
  • primary (common to input, select, textarea)
  • element (common to ALL elements)

The order is very important for the rendering because the engine will try all the types in this order to find a template matching the name in the template directory.

In this example it will use the first file found in this list:

  • input:text.twig
  • input:textfield.twig
  • input.twig
  • primary.twig
  • element.twig

Element Options

Each element has standard options that engines must take care of.

Options can be label, placeholder, helper, tooltip, leftAddon...

In this example we render the label of an element:

{% if current.element.getOption("label") %}
    <label for="{{ current.element.getId() }}">{{ current.element.getOption("label") }}</label>
{% endif %}

Notice about accessibility

We highly encourage every implementation of render engine to take care accessibility.

Thus the following rules should be considered:

  • Always make use of label
  • Always link label to input with for attribute
  • Always link label with attribute aria-labelledby
  • If an helper is present you should link it with aria-describedby