File Upload

Html forms allow to send files through http post requests.

UForm builder manages it very well:

$builder->file("someFile", "Some File");

That will render some html input file:

<label>Some File</label>
<input type="file" name="someFile">

Multiple files and accept type

It is possible to add additional controls to the form with multiple and accept attributes:

$builder->file("someFile", "Some File", true, ".png,.gif");

The third and fourth parameters are respectively multiple and accept attributes.

<label>Some File</label>
<input type="file" name="someFile" multiple accept=".png,.gif">


By default adding a file from the builder will ensure that the file is either null or a valid file (with successful upload). You will have to add the required validator to ensure that the input data is a valid file:

$builder->file("someFile", "Some File")

File type


Work with the file

Php uses to manage files uploads with the global array $_FILES. The structure of $_FILES is not very convenient and thus UForm translates it to a set of UForm\FileUpload instances.

move the file at the good place

When a file is uploaded it is placed in the temporary directory and will be destroyed when the script exits. If you want to conserve the file you will have to store it at the place of your convenience:


This way the file will be moved to uploadDirectory/myfile.png.

About upload security

If you import the data with the method $form->getInputFromGlobals() then the is_uploaded_file check will be processed.